Monday, October 8, 2007

The Data

As the first half of the first nine weeks comes to a close, it is time to take a look at the data and make decisions that will drive instruction. Data at this time of year includes teacher generated testing that mirrors the state mandated FCAT in 3rd-5th grades. In 2nd grade, the bridge year, we look at the DIBELS and also an FCAT-type assessment administered to each student. In K-1, data includes  teacher designed testing. Analyzing the data begins at the Leadership table. The Leadership Team (as seen above) drills down to each individual student as they make decisions on how to help each struggler. As always most of the students in grades 1-5 that are at-risk are students who are new to Chets Creek!

At a teacher meeting the grade level looks at its own data, each teacher comparing her class against the other classes on the grade level and the previous year's data at this same time of year. Below is an example of a profile sheet (except teacher's names are on our summaries). It is always interesting to hear kindergarten teachers as they analyze why certain classes begin with more at-risk students and others with less. Because most of these teachers have done this for many years now, they know their own profiles and their own strengths and weaknesses. They often identify areas that they will need to work on to pull their particular group up to grade level. Conversation also surrounds those students who top our data and how we are going to meet their unique needs. We drill down again to the individual student level so that teachers leave these meetings with a plan for each individual child. Conversation from this meeting drives the demonstration lessons that will be planned in the upcoming professional development. Data is the cornerstone of our work.

1 comment:

  1. dayle,
    The more I interact with teachers from other schools and districts across our nation, the more I realize how unique our data discussions are. Most schools collect the data, but the way Chets makes data driven decisions both at the Leadership Table and with teams of teachers is unique. I enjoy the collegial conversations and find it comforting to know teachers are not threatened by the data rather embrace it to move every child forward.

