Monday, March 29, 2010

Writing Science Lessons

Today Kindergarten teachers met together for a day of professional development. We are coming to an end of the third nine weeks (can you believe it?) and the teachers are getting together to write new Science lessons for the fourth nine weeks. They were also reviewing and revising lessons that they had already taught The county has adopted the state's Big Ideas for Science and essential questions - a philosophy of teaching concepts in the 5 E format - engage, explore, explain, expand/extend and evaluate. Of course, there are very few lessons and the adopted kindergarten Science text doesn't cover the same standards! Makes you wonder just what other teachers will be teaching? I'm afraid that in some schools the big ideas will simply be skipped! But, of course, that has never been an option at Chets Creek. We take Science very seriously and believe that the foundation for the 5th Grade Science state test is built on the shoulders of what is done in the lower grades.

Debbie Harbour, our Science Lead teacher, began the day by reviewing the 5 E model so that we would have it fresh in our minds as we began to write. Then the team divided into pairs and chose lessons of interest - some to write new and some to review and revise. As the day came to a close, teachers explained to the rest of Kindergarten what they were working on and what they expected to have complete.

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