Friday, June 7, 2013

The Best Little Group at the Creek

I have always been fortunate to work with teachers in kindergarten and first grade at Chets Creek that were learners.  As a group they have always been authentic, spirited and caring.  They have pushed me and made me work harder and think deeper, but this year's group is special.  Most of us looped from kindergarten to first grade together.

This has not been our easiest year.  We have had less planning time than ever.  With so many years behind us that I could boast about our professional development at the Creek being on-going, job-embedded and deep, this year has seen us treading water with so little time together.  What time we did have together was spent in management instead of dreaming and learning together.  Even so, we haven't missed a beat as far as what we have provided for our children.  Our grade level projects have run smoothly and efficiently.  We are a big grade level so communication is difficult at best, and yet, this group has managed to thrive. Don't get me wrong - we are full of very strong personalities and EVERYONE has an opinion, but in our own way, we honestly respect each other. We can disagree and still be friends.  There is not a weak link in this group.  We collaborate and support each other.  We laugh together and love each other regardless of our flaws.  I can't think of anything that we wouldn't do, one for the other. 

Chances are we will not all be together next year. but I hope each and every one of these ladies know that I have LOVED working with them this year. 

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