I have written before about a new feature on the Chets Creek website, Read with Your Child. The idea was to videotape teachers at Chets Creek reading to their own child so parents of our students could see what it looks like. We always say to parents, "Read to your child," but sometimes I'm not exactly sure if parents really know what that LOOKS like. Do we, as teachers, have techniques that we use that parents might adopt if they just see what they look like? Do parents know how to use their voice to engage the child by using a deep, mean voice for an ugly troll or a wee little voice for the smallest billy goat gruff? Do parent know how to stop expectantly and let their child complete a sentence? Do parents know that if a child is struggling to read a book that they can jump in and help by reading a page or a line or a word? Do parents know that we want the child to practice reading the books we send home each night but we also want them to read TO their child - something fun that they both really WANT to read together?
I am really proud that so many first grade teachers were willing to step forward and be videotaped with their own children - Haley Alvarado with her newborn son, Meredy Mackiewicz with her toddler, Randi Timmons with her preschooler... but the reason I'm writing about this topic again is because Melanie Holtsman has just added a few new videos to our library and one is of first grade teacher Cheryl Dillard reading with her first grade son. It's such a wonderful example of a mother and her first grader enjoying reading together. At the same time that she is enjoying the time together, she checks his comprehension of the story in the most natural way and helps add to his vocabulary! Enjoy this delightful video below!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
First Grade Wiki
Several years ago we decided that we would develop a notebook of resources for our first grade teachers. Because we don't really have a Teacher's Manual for Readers' and Writers' Workshop, it seemed each year we were gathering the same things over and over before each unit. The idea was to put together a notebook of resources that we could look through before we taught each unit to give us ideas and resources for mini-lessons in particular. We kept the notebooks up for a few years but as so many of our teachers looped and came back, the notebooks became overwhelming. They became too big and too bulky. We got so we put in everything instead of just the "tried and true" stuff and we were limited by only being able to put in paper copies of things. Finally we went to a system of each teacher just keeping what she wanted, but we have realized, especially with our new teachers to the grade level, that we are still pulling together stuff before each unit and teachers will say, "I've never seen that" because they weren't on the grade level the year that particular thing was added.
This year, Melanie Holtsman introduced us to a wiki - a way to collaborate on-line. This seemed like the perfect venue to add, not only paper copies, but web sites, files, blog entries, slide shows, videos - well, the possibilities are limitless. We have closed this wiki so that it can only be edited by our community of first grade teachers, but we are certainly interested in sharing it with a larger community. Check out our first grade wiki! This is our first attempt, so let me know what you think!
This year, Melanie Holtsman introduced us to a wiki - a way to collaborate on-line. This seemed like the perfect venue to add, not only paper copies, but web sites, files, blog entries, slide shows, videos - well, the possibilities are limitless. We have closed this wiki so that it can only be edited by our community of first grade teachers, but we are certainly interested in sharing it with a larger community. Check out our first grade wiki! This is our first attempt, so let me know what you think!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
It's easy to think about the good things that have happened in our first grade at Chets Creek so far this year. This is an extremely talented group of first grade teachers.
- Technology is at the top of the list- outstanding blogs, a new wiki, voicethreads, flip camera videos - risk takers in every area of technology.
- The student work produced and excitement around the Mem Fox Author Study was phenomenal.
Teachers have stepped up with passion and commitment to provide leadership for a "green" emphasis for the grade level.
- First grade teachers continue to provide leadership school wide to our Intervention Team, to Science, and to our co-teaching professional development.
Academic disequalibrium. This has been an unusual year because the county adopted a new core reading program. We began the year with not enough information to know how the new adoption would effect our Pacing Guide. The materials dribbled in and we struggled to figure out what we had and what we were suppose to do with what we had. As we have tried to incorporate the materials where it made sense, we have created disequilibrium on the grade level. In giving teachers choices and freedom to think and make decisions about what they wanted to adopt and teach, they have struggled with doing things differently instead of all being on the same page - which is the scenario they are more familiar with. Nothing at Chets Creek has ever been dictated to teachers. Instead, in the past, they would meet and talk through pacing and decide colliagially what they wanted to teach and how they would support each other. But this year the county's adoption and the edict to have all schools use the same program presented a different set of challenges to our well oiled machine. This year sharing among teachers has broken down because for the first time in a long time, everyone is not doing the same thing, time has been more limited without PLC days (which included more intense time for conversations had to be cut because of the budget), and the grade level has gotten even bigger - 15 teachers! In thinking about the isolation some teachers may be beginning to feel, I realize that it is important as we come to January to regroup. That will be easier as we all work through the Kevin Henkes Author Study which is a study that was developed at our school. This group has worked through and revised this author study several times together, so it provides a familiarity which should help solidify the team. They will also begin a test-taking unit that they originated, so they have a deep history of collegiality embedded in these units as they come back. While the strength of their bond has been tested, I have faith that the stronger members of this team will provide the glue that will bring them back together.
Curriculum. Another change for this year was the county imposing a learning schedule for writing. In year's past we had aligned our reading, writing and skills so that we had echoes across the day - each subject supported the other. In trying to move toward the county's directives, that "tried and true" alignment was fractured - another reason some teachers are feeling disjointed. So far, teachers have spent 9 weeks on a narrative unit and spent the rest of the time before the holiday working on nonfiction writing - basically reports. Teachers have done this in different ways. Some teachers have also looked at functional writing at this point in time. Some have not. My goal as we come back together in the new year will be to look at the work our children have done in nonfiction writing, compare it to the rubric so that teachers can reflect on where they are and what they have left to accomplish before finishing nonfiction portfolio pieces as we come to an end of the second nine weeks.
This time of rest and rejuvenation is just what is needed to reflect about where we've come and where we want to go in the new year. It's easy to lead when things go smoothly, but the challenge is in leading and hearing each voice when things are not quite perfect - which simply means we have a learning opportunity. So... bring it on! We want to prove once again that we really are lifelong learners, that this opportunity will make us stronger and that we are all about solutions.
7 Things Nobody Needs to Know
I was tagged by Melanie Holtsman to write 7 things that nobody knows about me. It was really hard because my life is pretty much an open book and those that I share my office with know just about everything, but here goes...
1. As a teenager I was invited to spend a summer as an actortress apprentice with a summer stock company, the Vagabond Players at Flat Rock Playhouse. Besides being a stage and house manager, lighting director, learning to handle props and scenery, I played Rapunzel in the summer children’s production of a play. Rapunzel, Rupunzel, let down your golden hair…
2. I was a Girl Scout, beginning in elementary school and remaining until I graduated from high school. My troop began with 18 girls in second grade and we all graduated high school together. The key was an amazing Girl Scout leader. As a Girl Scout I visited Juliet Lowe’s birthplace in Savannah, Ga., visited the World’s Fair in NYC, mastered first aide, learned to play bridge, and did the only camping I’ve ever done in my life. The picture is of our Senior year in high school (I'm in the front on the right - notice the gloves!)
3. In high school I was voted “Most Talented” in my Senior class.
4. I was the Editor of my college annual - small Methodist girls' college.
5. I became a Special Education teacher because I had an opportunity to travel the southeast as a teen spokesperson for Easter Seals. The year that I was “Miss Teen SC”, “Miss Teen America” was named the ambassador for National Easter Seals. As a result I was invited to travel in my part of the country, to make speeches, to visit children’s hospitals, to be a part of telethons, etc. It was the first time that I had been exposed to children with disabilities. I traveled for Easter Seals for 3 years all over the southeast. The experiences and the families that I met changed my life.
6. As a child and teenager I wanted to be a missionary. If I hadn’t fallen in love with my husband in high school, I think I would have followed that dream. After my first child was born, I tried desperately to convince my husband to embrace missionary work in Africa – he thought I had lost my mind – so I decided to make teaching my mission instead.
7. When my husband went to West Virginia University to finish his doctorate, I took a job as an administrative assistant with a developmental disabilities grant. PL 94-142 (the public law that guaranteed all children a public education) was new. As a result of that job I had the opportunity to open the first classes in the state of West Virginia for severely and profoundly disabled children. I hired and trained the teachers, led the project to write the curriculum, and led the first parent meetings. It is still one of the things that I am most proud.
Now, who shall I tag?
1. As a teenager I was invited to spend a summer as an actortress apprentice with a summer stock company, the Vagabond Players at Flat Rock Playhouse. Besides being a stage and house manager, lighting director, learning to handle props and scenery, I played Rapunzel in the summer children’s production of a play. Rapunzel, Rupunzel, let down your golden hair…
3. In high school I was voted “Most Talented” in my Senior class.
4. I was the Editor of my college annual - small Methodist girls' college.
5. I became a Special Education teacher because I had an opportunity to travel the southeast as a teen spokesperson for Easter Seals. The year that I was “Miss Teen SC”, “Miss Teen America” was named the ambassador for National Easter Seals. As a result I was invited to travel in my part of the country, to make speeches, to visit children’s hospitals, to be a part of telethons, etc. It was the first time that I had been exposed to children with disabilities. I traveled for Easter Seals for 3 years all over the southeast. The experiences and the families that I met changed my life.
6. As a child and teenager I wanted to be a missionary. If I hadn’t fallen in love with my husband in high school, I think I would have followed that dream. After my first child was born, I tried desperately to convince my husband to embrace missionary work in Africa – he thought I had lost my mind – so I decided to make teaching my mission instead.
7. When my husband went to West Virginia University to finish his doctorate, I took a job as an administrative assistant with a developmental disabilities grant. PL 94-142 (the public law that guaranteed all children a public education) was new. As a result of that job I had the opportunity to open the first classes in the state of West Virginia for severely and profoundly disabled children. I hired and trained the teachers, led the project to write the curriculum, and led the first parent meetings. It is still one of the things that I am most proud.
Now, who shall I tag?
Saturday, December 27, 2008
I was tagged recently by Melanie Holtsman to create a Wordle. My vocabulary is increasing daily - wordle, meme - I wonder if these words have even made it into the dictionary yet! My Wordle is a collection of the words that I have most recently used on this blog.
There are no real surprises except I obviously have been writing more about writing than reading. First and grade should be together because my entire blog this year is about first grade. No surprise there. I like that students and children come up so often because that is the entire point!
There are no real surprises except I obviously have been writing more about writing than reading. First and grade should be together because my entire blog this year is about first grade. No surprise there. I like that students and children come up so often because that is the entire point!
Here is how to create your own Wordle Meme:
2. Blog it and describe your reaction. Any surprises?
3. Tag others to do the same.
4. Be sure to link back here and to where you were first tagged.
5. Create different Wordle clouds of your blog's RSS over a period of time. Do it once a month for the next year to capture the spirit of the times.
Teaching Essentials
"Assume all children are smart and treat them that way."
"It is writing that turns children into readers."
"Anything we teach children in depth is likely to be learned."
"When a lesson goes badly, I ask myself, What didn't I do that is causing the students to be successful? I never think, What's wrong with these students? I place the responsibility on me, where it belongs."
"Teach with a sense of urgency."
"In a decade of working in schools across the country, I have learned that high achievement school wide only happens when there is collaboration and conversation throughout the whole school, across all grade levels and disciplines."
"It's all about relationships. I've learned that if we don't have positive, trusting relationships with our colleagues and students, not much of any consequence is likely to happen. On the other hand, when we do have that trust, we can ask for and expect more from our colleagues and students."
"I have always believed that mentoring is a part of our job as teachers, whether we get paid for it or not, and that we have an unspoken obligation to support our peers."
"One of the first questions I would ask any teacher seeking employment is ... Talk about a book or text that had a lasting impact on you, and tell why."
"If something seems like a ridiculous practice and a waste of time, it probably is."
"Without a level of smartness and engagement, we are at the mercy of the latest published program or 'scientific' study and limited to following procedures without understanding them."
"Teachers are the only professionals I know who will do what we know is not beneficial for our students and their families rather than challenge obviously ineffective current ideas or new programs."
"Rather than jumping through hoops demonstrating your fidelity to the latest program, put your energy into expressing your fidelity to your students."
"Even when a program has passed muster, we must provide a balance by using a variety of excellent resources... when one textbook becomes the total curriculum, we shortchange our students."
"Knowledgeable teachers and administrators carefully pick the best parts of any adopted program and ignore the unfavorable features."
"Avoid elaborate centers, overlong assignments, cute activities that take lots of time but teach little of importance... Keep asking yourself: How is what I am expecting my students to do helping them become more proficient, confident, independent as learners?"
"Start with the student, not the standard."
"Rethink group structures in reading... Working with students in small groups is an effective way to constantly assess how students are progressing and what they need to move forward."
"My experience as a teacher-researcher has been that students of all ages read and write more and with greater quality and independence when the task and the text are authentic and relevant."
"We all do better when we have some choice in what we are being asked to do."
"One week, one semester, one year with an outstanding teacher can change a child's life forever."
"...simplicity, intelligence and whimsy. I wrote those three words down and posted them above my desk. I frequently refer to them as a metaphor for how I want to live my life."
Wow, Regie, that about wraps it up!
Professional Literature,
Friday, December 26, 2008
Teaching Persuasive Writing
For the first time first grade teachers in our county are being asked to add a new genre of writing to our curriculum - persuasive writing. The unit is planned for about three weeks at the end of the third nine weeks, so one of my goals for this break was to find resources that are practical and exciting for my teachers as they delve into this new genre.
I have just finished Sarah Picard Taylor's Teaching Persuasive Writing. Sarah is part of Lucy Calkin's Teacher College Reading and Writing Project so her lessons fit easily with the Units of Study for Primary Writing and Stephanie Parsons' First Grade Writers that we already use. This pocket sized book is an easy read and more than that, a common sense guide to making persuasive writing relevant to our young writers by showing how easy it would be to deliver their writings to a real audience. Taylor suggests a unit of signs and posters that affect people's lives for kindergartners, persuasive letter writing for our first graders to help them make our world a better place, followed by writing reviews of movies, food, books and video games in second grade!
These are some of the things that really sparked my interest for a first grade unit of persuasive letter writing:![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgijqpGKCLhfo5FJULVdGHX1V_6H_WZ7ciYy43Js8OOLxT4fkE5G6aR2pps5SaWEeACN1wdxXxgusIwOLctUZ_f4_JDAV28wi4b9onCodNQmqVF8BU0UNvVbkvBTL6dao1DfSfONkawSYc/s320/0689832133_l.gif)
These are some of the things that really sparked my interest for a first grade unit of persuasive letter writing:
- Designing special writing paper for persuasive letters that could be part of an art lesson and could be copied for all students to use.
- Launching the unit by reading Click, Clack, Moo which is the story of how a group of barnyard animals used letter writing to change their world.
- Mini-lesson to raise the level of writing such as providing reasons in order to persuade, using a particular incident to persuade, using transitional phrases (This is important because... Another reason is... For example,...), revising to add details, imagining your audience, how and when to use a writing partner, and using the word wall to spell conventionally.
- One of the most exciting ideas was to actually send out the letters into the world. There is no better way to teach a child that his writing can make a difference than to actually send out some letters and have the children receive responses! It also would help a student internalize the idea of author's purpose - why do author's write what they write.
There are so many things that our young children feel passionate about from changing their bed time to why we can't recycle the Styrofoam plates in the Dining Room! They talk about the things that matter to them on a daily basis. I can just see the "power of the pen" that these young writers could feel. What a gift to give writers so early in their writing careers! Suddenly, I can't wait for this writing genre!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Auntie Claus
Resource teachers pose as Santa's Helpers including PE teacher Wes Timmons as dear ol' Santa! |
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Susan Phillips as Auntie Claus |
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Holidays Around the World
The colors of the flag is read, white blue.
The common language spoken in the USA is English.
USA is located in North America.
For the holidays I eat turkey, pie and fruit.
My family and me celebrate Christmas and Ramadan - even Easter, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving.
First Grade,
Informational Writing,
Nonfiction Writing,
Saturday, December 13, 2008
"How to" Prepare for the Holidays!
Couldn't help but feature this "how to" piece from the Mall-ards. It's a perfect example of how teachers have tied the traditions of the holidays to the Writers' Workshop. The Mall-ards made these wonderful multi-stepped cinnamon-smelling ornaments as holiday presents for their families. After the children made the ornaments they wrote the directions. Notice how this young writer used the nonfiction conventions of labeling and captions from the previous unit on writing reports!
First Grade,
Nonfiction Writing,
Procedural Writing
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Does your principal cook for you?
The agenda was lite including a personality game to help us see the way we are seen by other
To our Principal we must say a special thank you for the Leadership that she provides. We are a strong diverse group of individuals - not always the easiest to lead and yet she knows when to support each of us and when to reel us in. That's a VERY special gift and we are all better for it. Thank you Susan... for the magic!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Vertical Articultion of Assessment 2008
Today a select group of teachers met
together for vertical articulation around assessment. This group of teachers was selected because they have experience in multiple grades within the K-1-2 framework. The teachers began with an overview of how first graders begin comprehension FCAT-style testing in January of each year and how they build new testing strategies each month. Second grade teachers then discussed their first nine weeks of assessment and explained some of the challenges they see
as children move from the end of first grade to the beginning of second grade. As the teachers discussed the "gap" between first and second grade and with give and take on both sides, the teachers identified areas that needed to be reworked at both the end of first and beginning of second grade. Next the group broke into smaller work clusters to refine the identified assessments. This is difficult and tedious work but it provides common assessments so that teachers can bring work to the table and have conversation around the results. Are students learning what we are teaching? When a teacher sees that another teacher's students are having greater success on certain test items, it leads to discussions on instruction which is indeed one of the reasons that we give assessments.
In first grade, students will return from the holidays to begin learning about test strategies. They will receive a grade level passage for homework on Monday that they will be asked to read to an adult every night at home. The purpose in this is to practice for fluency but also not to penalize students that cannot easily read the text. At this point we are not testing the child's ability to read at grade level as much as we are teaching them specific test strategies. We want them to be able to read the text so that we can assess if they actually understand the test strategy we are teaching. In January we will be teaching first graders:
In first grade, students will return from the holidays to begin learning about test strategies. They will receive a grade level passage for homework on Monday that they will be asked to read to an adult every night at home. The purpose in this is to practice for fluency but also not to penalize students that cannot easily read the text. At this point we are not testing the child's ability to read at grade level as much as we are teaching them specific test strategies. We want them to be able to read the text so that we can assess if they actually understand the test strategy we are teaching. In January we will be teaching first graders:
- How to bubble in by filling in the entire bubble.
- Reading all the answer choices before you bubble in.
- How to show your proof by underlining or highlighting the answer in the text.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Skills Block
The class then reviewed both a vowel combinations chart and a blends chart as a choral reading.
The children also recited the vowel combinations from the chart which they do every day. They are so familiar with this chart that you actually hear them saying the appropriate line while they are writing and trying to figure out what letters to write for an unknown word. Sometimes you will see them go up to the chart and find the picture at the end of the line and then trace their finger back to see what the letters look like that make that sound. In some classes copies of this chart are also put in the child's writing folder. One of the things we want to see is the transfer of skills taught in Skills Block to the child's actual reading and writing.Vowels chart |
The children practiced sight words by singing assorted sight words to the seasonal tune of "Jingle Bells." This version of the song was written by one of our first grade teachers and was shared with the grade level. This particular version uses some of the words introduced during the first two nine weeks of the Houghton Mifflin Core Reading Series. Since so many of the Literacy Leaders asked for these words (you could use any sight words you want to practice by matching syllables to the original syllables in the song), I'm posting the seasonal "Jingle Bells" and an earlier "Row Row Row Your Boat" below. Next month it will be a new tune with some new sight words.
To the tune of "Row Row Row Your Boat"
I jump two three four
go on here and where
we said you are not in five
we said you are not in five
who does not live away
once upon is my to do
what they pull for one
he can find the too before
two three four and done
To the tune of "Jingle Bells"
flower bird
children grow
mother of all call
paper so she try first love
today her funny cat
picture these
people fly
father see five fall
family friend eat every room
our world a blue green house
Next the children did a quick word sort. The teachers set up three columns - words that have
the ou, oy, and ar sounds. First the teacher let the children hear the word (phonemic awareness) and then let them see the word (phonics) to place it under the correct category. The category and word cards that she used were from a Lakeshore kit called "Chant and Sort Vowel Cards."
For vocabulary the children practiced antonyms as a matching game with the whole group and then went to their tables to play a form of "Go Fish" with antonym (opposite) cards.
At the conclusion of their Skills Block lesson, Maria and Cheryl debriefed with the Literacy Leaders explaining how they had decided on the activities for today's lesson, what had come before this lesson and what will follow. Although their lesson was unique to the needs of their population of kids at this time, it gave the Literacy Leaders a view into the thinking process the Chets' teachers use to draw from all of the resources that are available to them as they match the resources with the on-going assessment they use as they watch how their children are working with each new and reviewed skill.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Dream Team
I am so proud of this team. They have been dubbed the "Dream Team" on more than one occasion, even though the members have come and gone over the years (6 of the current members, by the way, have become Nationally Board Certified since coming to Chets Creek!) Occasionally they have been called demanding but it's because they have the same high expectation of ALL the people that they work with that they have for themselves and for their team mates. They are supportive, caring and the most professional group that I have ever worked with. It has been a thrill to watch them grow individually and collectively, but more than that, it has been such a growth experience for me to learn from them. I count my experiences with them as some of my most profound professional development.
Science Live!
Debbie called her children to the carpet with a Science song that teaches the scientific method. The words go like this:
Science Workshop SongWe use science every day
To help us make predictions.
Classify, estimate, this helps us communicate.
Process skills will teach us ways to make new observations.
Debbie then began her lesson with a KWL chart to find out what the kids already know about water and what they want to know. One of the things that the children wanted to know had to do with safety around the water (a good lesson for Florida children!)
Integrating technology, Debbie then showed a quick video of water safety and gave the children their group assignments.
The children quickly got to work. Looking around, anyone would be impressed with how engaged the children were as they discussed the rules and pictures they wanted to include on each poster. You could tell
After the Science Workshop the children went to read independently as Debbie debriefed the
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
First Reports: "All About Me"
As first graders start writing reports, we encourage them to write about something they know lots about. Now what do first graders know more about than themselves?! Below is an example of one first graders' "All About Me" report. Notice that he has learned to use the conventions of using photographs and a Table of Contents in this nonfiction piece. There is also evidence of his editing as he tries to add some more interesting descriptive words! Each page is followed by a transcription of his words.
1. What I Look Like
2. What I Dream About
3. My Family
4. My Favorite Place![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgjLVOxUx4Yc3jxpvm460yNK3GTRzNO-TL6xZFpp92qAzh6Ql1kGBsD1j9tRBUQDHRJJeY4EPBCVqU6KikRBkZNoyxkAFYfNOWXx_o099l5OfyHrp5DQXHKibnEPq42IRkTwQhi7TGMRxw/s320/IMG.jpg)
I look like my mommy. My eyes look like sky blue. My hair looks like light brown. My skin color looks like ice cream tan. I am three foot. My age - 7. Born 2001, September 2. Born in Georgia. I am a twin. I have a twin sister named Mattison
My Mommy looks like me. Her name is awesome. It's Monica. She's 5 foot 4. She's almost the biggest. She's 33. My Daddy is cool. His name is Joe. His age - 35. He's the biggest in the house. My twin sister, she's 3 foot tall. We're almost the same. Puppy named Hank. He's a weeny. He was born in Nashville, Tennessee.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Nonfiction Conventions
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Live Video conference
Connection - Randi began by connecting the lesson to a string of lessons that the class has been doing on things good readers do when they come to words that they don't understand as demonstrated by the chart behind her.
Teach - Randi then read one of the Houghton Mifflin big books, stopping three times in the reading to activate her own schema. She explained that schema is like file folders in your mind and she opened her own file folder three different times to share with student photographs of events that helped her to understand the words in the text.
Link - As Randi gave the class instructions on what to do as they went off to independent reading, she reinforced the teaching point once again reminding students that as they came to sections of their text that they didn't understand that they should stop and activate their schema to help them try to understand what the words were saying.
And then the class at the Schultz Center was shown on the television and they began to ask questions of Randi about the lesson. Now THIS is professional development!
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