We have an end-of-the-year Awards Day. The parents are invited and w
e like to do
something a little
differently than our
usual nine week awards for grades and citizenship. We also like to make sure that every single child gets an award. This year we gave out a list of each of the
children's names to each child and asked them to write a word by each name of something they thought the student did really well. Then we brainstormed a list of good things we could say about our
friends on the board. The students were welcome to use words from the list or to
think up something on their own. We then took the lists and typed them into
Wordle so that each child had a list of superlatives and printed a unique certificate for each child. We are so pleased with them
because they capture the child and their first grade
year in a word picture! I think children and parents are really going to like the
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