In Kindergarten Author Studies are all about retelling books. At Chets Creek we chose the beloved early childhood author and illustrator Eric Carle to focus our first author study. All through this unit the children have worked on ways to retell each story. They have used pre-made props and made some of their own props. They have drawn sequences of events and have played games to reinforce the events in each story. They have completed story maps and have answered literal and inferred questions as they have gotten to know each book better and better. More than the retelling, an author study is about looking across a body of work. The children have compared and contrasted stories and of course, Eric Carle's art as they have gotten to know him and his body of work. Many of our retelling activities are kept on our grade level
Today all seven kindergarten classes celebrated by revisiting some of their favorite books. They began the day by donning shirts they made of the very hungry caterpillar. First up was eating Pancakes to reinforce Eric Carle's
Pancakes, Pancakes. They watched a video of the movie as they ate.
Next the children visited a center where they made necklaces threading green and red construction paper circles, spaced apart with cut green straws.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar is absolutely a favorite book and the children enjoyed retelling as they threaded their necklaces.
Of course every celebration needs a hat! So it was on to the hat center where the children made ladybug bands to celebrate
The Grouchy Ladybug. The children talked about a ladybug being an insect and having six legs. They enjoyed listening to the story once again.
Our final center was a study of Eric Carle's art, The children took a pattern of a seahorse and covered it with tissue paper just like Eric Carle does with the animals in his books. Mister Seahorse never looked so good!
Thank you Eric Carle! We have thoroughly enjoyed our study! Can't you tell?!!
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