On Friday first graders had a shared event, their sleepover. This week many of them are writing about the fun day. While most of the stories are bed-to-bed, the students are showing amazing fluency and are even using the vocabulary we have been teaching (note "glorious" below). In this example the first grader also makes good use of dialog to move the story along. This is a memory that our first graders hold for a very long time!
My First Grade Sleepover
One nice morning I was so excited because that day was the day of the first grade sleepover, and then I got out of bed and I ran to my dad and yelled, "Get my pajamas!" He said, "Okay," back to me.
Then a few minutes later my Grandma got there. And I was so excited because she said she would come with me to school and she would take me to school and take me back home. I said, "Yeah!"
Then I said, "We need... my slippers, my flashlight, my p.j.'s, my lunch box, backpack, and my Grandma." "Okay, okay," they said. "Good," I said. My dad put my p.j.'s on. Then me and Grandma left the house to go to school. We said, "Bye" to my brother and my dad.
First we went and got slippers on, flashlights, and our teddy bears for our morning parade. Then we went in the cafeteria for Denny's for breakfast and danced with our teachers. Then we went to P.E. Then we went to play Bingo and I won Bingo. Then we are lunch in the classroom. Then
we went to art to make book covers. Then last we went into the library for a P.J's Party with Mrs. KK. Then I went home early with my Grandma and that was the end of that glorious day of the SLEEPOVER!!!!!
Part of the magical experience for students of CCE are these traditions that mean so much. Carter enjoyed every moment of Sleepover and I appreciate all the work that went into making it such a memorable event. His story here was penned in just two workshop sessions so I am impressed by the fluency, and thanks to his Morning Message each morning he is so comfortable using dialogue. Kudos to his teachers. :)
Thanks for putting my sleepover story on your blog. I really liked my first grade sleepover. I feel special that you put it on your blog.
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